For Grant Recipients

Congratulations on receiving a grant from the Community Foundation! We are delighted to help support your organization’s work.

Reporting Requirements
When a representative from your group accepted your grant check, he or she agreed to report back to OICF when the project was completed. Reports (final or interim, if necessary) for 2016 grants are due January 17, 2017.  Download the Final Report Instructions (pdf).

Successful proposals of $10,000 or more are asked to meet with a committee member and OICF board or staff member mid-year to discuss the progress of the project and the impact of your efforts.

Multi-year grantees should file an interim report.

Partners in Philanthropy Grants
If you received funding from one of our named Partners in Philanthropy, please send them a personal thank you for helping you. If appropriate, please invite the Partner(s) to an event connected with the grant (for example, a celebratory dinner, a performance, a class, or an athletic practice or contest). Keep them informed about your project. After all, they cared enough to fund it! You can send the Partner(s) a copy of your grant report, or OICF can do this for you.

A Change of Plans?
Grants are provided by OICF for the specific purposes stated in each approved grant application. Each project is weighed against all other proposals received that year. If your organization’s project changes, or you do not require all of the funds awarded, you must contact the Grants Committee chair to discuss your situation. In most cases, unused funds must be returned to OICF. A simple scheduling delay can usually be accommodated.

Please contact us if you have any questions: or, or call (360) 376-6423.